- S. Saito, TBA, "Aqueous Systems: The Frontier and Beyond", Kalamata, Greece June 16-21 (2025).
- S. Saito, TBA, 1st international symposium on Systems Chemistry, Seoul, Korea, May 6-10 (2025).
- S. Saito, "Unveiling the Role of Dynamic Disorder in the Slowing Down of Supercooled Water Dynamics", APATCC11, Kobe, April 21-25 (2025).
- S. Saito, "Exploring the molecular origins of water’s anomalies and slow dynamics", Korea-Japan Molecular Symposium, Pusan, Korea, June 24-26 (2024).
- S. Saito, "Unraveling collective orientation relaxation in aqueous solution: Effects of ion and finite-size", Asian Research Network for Terahertz Molecular Science, 1st Symposium, Kobe, Kobe Univ., March 14-16 (2024).
- S. Saito, "Uncovering the secrets of water: Hidden structures and dynamics", 18th Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS-2023), Chennai, India, Dec. 7-10 (2023).
- S. Saito, "Uncovering the secrets of water: Hidden structures and dynamics", Solid State Chemistry Unit, IISc, Bangalore, India, Dec. 5 (2023).
- S. Saito, "Structural change dynamics in molecular systems", Structure and Dynamics of Chemical and Biomolecular Systems (SDCBS), Kanpur, India, Oct. 26-28 (2023).
- S. Saito, "Structural change dynamics in molecular systems", Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry (TACC) 2023, Sapporo, Sept. 4-9 (2023).
- S. Saito, "Conformational Dynamics of Biomolecules Revealed by Molecular Simulations", 11th International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP) 2023, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 14-18 (2023).
- S. Saito, "Conformational Dynamics of Proteins and Liquids", Department Seminar, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India, March 10 (2023).
- S. Saito, "Structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of supercooled water", Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, March 18 (2022).
- S. Saito, "Structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of supercooled water", SNU Leaders in Chemistry Symposium on Quantum and Statistical Fluctuations in Molecular Materials, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 8 (2022).
- 斉藤真司, "シミュレーションによる水の不思議の解明", 階層と全体シンポジウム, 自然科学研究機構, Jan. 6 (2022).
- S. Saito, "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition", Symposium on Exploring complex and real systems using large-scale molecular dynamics calculations, Pacifichem 2020, Honolulu, USA, Dec. 21 (2021). Cancellation due to health problem.
- S. Saito, "Molecular mechanism of acceleration and retardation of collective orientation relaxation of water molecules in aqueous solutions", Symposium on Structure and function of complex molecular clusters - challenges in theory and experiment, Pacifichem 2020, Honolulu, USA, Dec. 20 (2021).
- S. Saito, "Excitation energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein optimized by site-dependent fluctuations", Symposium on Frontiers in quantum and classical molecular dynamics for complex systems, Pacifichem 2020, Honolulu, USA, Dec. 18 (2021).
- 斉藤真司, "サイト依存ゆらぎによるFMOタンパク質の率的励起エネルギー移動", 名古屋大学化学科セミナー, 名古屋, Oct. 27 (2021).
- S. Saito, "Role of fluctuation in biomolecular function: Molecular origin of efficient excitation energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein", 8th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry, Kumamoto, March 19-20 (2020). Postponed due to COVID-19
- S. Saito, "イオンによる水の集団回転運動の加速と減速の分子機構", 分子フォト研究会「誘電応答から見るソフトマターの水和」, 神戸, Jan. 22 (2020).
- S. Saito, "Effect of ion on collective orientation relaxation of water", Department Seminar, SSCU, IISc, Bangalore, India, Jan. 10 (2020).
- S. Saito, "Effect of ion on collective orientation relaxation of water", Dynamics of Chemical and Biological Systems, Kanpur, India, Jan. 7 (2020).
- S. Saito "Excitation energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein optimized by site-dependent fluctuations",
Indo-Japan workshop on "Frontiers in Molecular Spectroscopy: From Fundamentals to Applications in Chemistry and Biology", Kobe, Oct. 30-Nov. 2 (2019).
- (poster)S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition",
第22回理論化学討論会, 札幌, May 27-29 (2019).
- S. Saito "Functions of biomolecular systems",
Colloquium, Institute of Physics, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May. 9 (2019).
- S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition",
Department Seminar, Institute of Physics, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May. 8 (2019).
- S. Saito "Circadian rhythm of Kai system: A reaction model considering reactions and conformational changes",
Dynamics at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology, Bangalore, India, Feb. 18-20 (2019).
- (poster)S. Saito "Supercooled waterynamics hidden in thermodynamics and glass transition",
Supercomputer workshop, RCCS, Okazaki, Japan, Jan. 16 (2019).
- S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition",
IMS workshop on Water at interfaces, Okazaki, Japan, Jan. 15-16 (2019).
- S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition",
Symposium on Spectroscopic and computational studies of complex chemical systems at different time and length scales, Kanpur, India, Dec. 22 (2018).
- S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition",
Conference on Local Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen Bonds in Water: Super Cooled Water and Binary Mixture, Bangalore, India, Dec. 19-20 (2018).
- M. Higashi and S. Saito "Excitation energy transfer in photosynthetic protein FMO",
Japan-Indo Seminar on Frontiers in Molecular Spectroscopy: From Fundamentals to Applications in Chemistry and Biology, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Oct 31-Nov.2 (2018).
- S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, and glass transition",
Energy Landscape 2018, Kalamata, Greece, Sept 2-9 (2018).
- S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure and dynamics",
1st UJN-SKKU-IMS Symposium on Chemisrty and Materials, Jinan, China, Aug. 15-17 (2018).
- S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, and Kauzmann temperature",
7th JCS Symposium, Prague, Czech, May 21-24 (2018).
- S. Koda and. S. Saito "Circadian rhythm of Kai system: A reaction model considering reactions and conformational changes",
BK21plus Symposium, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea, May 3 (2018).
- 斉藤真司, "反応、物性、機能はどのように生み出されるのか?絶えず蠢いている分子",
129理工学部同窓会, 慶應義塾大学, 横浜, March 17 (2018).
- (invited) S. Koda and S. Saito "A reaction model for circadian rhythm of Kai system considering reactions and conformational changes",
APCTCC8, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Dec. 15-17 (2017).
- (invited) S. Saito "Supercooled water: Fluctuation, glass transition, and vibrational entropy",
Seminar at MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 21 (2017).
- (invited) S. Koda and S. Saito "Reaction model for circadian rhythm of Kai system considering elementary processes",
ANSCSE21, Pathum Thani, Thailand, Aug. 3-4 (2017).
- (invited) S. Saito "Supercooled water: Fluctuation, glass transition, and quantum effects",
Korea-Japan Molecular Symposium 2017, Pusan, Korea, July 10-12 (2017).
- (poster) S. Saito, "Glassy dynamics and Kauzmann temperature of water:
Vibrational and configurational contributions revealed by quantum mechanical complex entropy",
Okazaki Conference, Okazaki, Aichi, March 6-8 (2017).
- (poster) 斉藤真司, "水のガラス転移とカウズマン温度における量子効果",
Supercomputer Workshop 2016, 岡崎, 愛知, Feb. 1-2 (2017).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
Indo-Japan bilateral seminar, Kanpur India, Nov. 13-16 (2016).
- (invited) 斉藤真司, "過冷却水の構造と動力学",
Cryopreservation Conference 2016、基礎生物学研究所, Nov. 10-11 (2016).
- (invited) 斉藤真司, "揺らぎから物性・機能機構の解明へ",
第3回電子状態シンポジウム、早稲田大学, 東京, Nov. 5 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
4th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2016), Shanghai, China, Oct. 23-26 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
2016 annual meeting EMLG-JMLG, Chania, Crete, Greece, Sept. 11-16 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito, "TBA",
Seminar, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, Sept. 9 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
Center for Chemical Dynamics in Living Cells, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 19 (2016).
- (invited) 斉藤真司, "水の構造とダイナミクス:特異的性質の起源",
化学系講演会、琉球大学, 沖縄, July 19 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of water and proteins",
8th International Kasetsart University Science and Technology Annual Research Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2-4 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Simulations of proton transfer and energy transfer in excited states",
9th International Meeting on Photodynamics and Related Aspects, Mendoza, Argentina, May 9-13 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, Feb. 9-11 (2016).
- (invited) S. Saito,
PACIFICHEM 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 15-20 (2015) cancelled due to personal issue.
- (invited) S. Saito,
EMN Meeting on Ultrafast Reasearch: Energy Materials Nanotechnology,
Las Vegas, USA, Nov. 16-19 (2015) cancelled due to personal issue.
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Couplings between Multi-Timescale Conformational Fluctuations",
Korea-Japan Symposium on Molecular Science, Busan, Korea, July 12-16 (2015) cancelled due to MERS.
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Couplings between Multi-Scale Conformational Fluctuations:
Towards Understanding of Emergence of Function of Biomolecules",
Workshop of Theoretical Chemistry, SungyunkwanUniversity, Swon, Korea, April 21-23 (2015).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Hydrogen Bond Network Dynamics in Supercooled Water",
International 6th THz-Bio Workshop 2015, Seoul, Korea, April 9-10 (2015).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of Water and Biomolecules",
Japan-Indo Bilateral Collaborative Seminar, Nara, Nov. 25-27 (2014).
- (invited) S. Saito, "凝縮系における時空間不均一動力学",
分子科学討論会, 東広島, Sept. 21-24 (2014).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Fluctuations and relaxation in water",
7th International Conference on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy,
University of Oregon, USA, July 13-16 (2014).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of supercooled water",
Dynamics of Complex Chemical and Biological Systems (DCCBS-2014),
IIT Kanpur, India, Feb. 13-15 (2014).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Spatio-temporal heterogeneous dynamics in condensed phases",
Cooperation of Computational Materials Science and Mathematics, Toward Smart Materials Design II,
Sendai, Jan. 8-9 (2014).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Dynamics of water: From ultrafast dynamics to anomalous thermodynamic properties",
Department Seminar (BK21 plus) at Chungbuk National University, Cheongjyu, Korea, Nov. 19 (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,「過冷却水の特異的熱力学的性質の動的起源」、日本物理学会、
「液液転移ー第2臨界点仮説を巡ってー」、徳島大学、Sept.25 (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Molecular Origin of Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Specific Heat of Water:
Spatio-temporam Analysis", 'Theory and Experiment on Water and Hydration',
246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Sept. 8-12 (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Dynamics of water: Analysis of third-order nonlinear IR spectroscopy",
'Vibrational Dynamics' workshop in Telluride, Colorado, USA, July 21-26 (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Specific Heat of Supercooled Water",
6th APCTCC (Asian Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry),
Gyeongju, Korea, July 11-13, (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Dynamics of water: Fluctuation and relaxation revealed by theoretical
two-dimensional IR spectroscopy",
33rd International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Kyoto, July 7-12 (2013).
- S. Saito,
"Hydrogen Bond Dynamics in Supercooled Water: Frequency Dependent Specific Heat
and Emergence of Correlated Dynamics",
TRVS2013, Beppu, May 20-24 (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"凝縮系ダイナミクス -超高速ダイナミクスから熱力学的性質の起源まで-",
QCRIシンポジウム, 京都, April 28 (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Molecular origin of anomalous temperature dependence of isobaric heat
capacity of supercooled water",
2013 NCTS April workshop on Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems,
Taipei, Taiwan, April 15-16 (2013).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Dynamics of Liquid and Supercooled Water",
Indo-Japan Bilateral Collaborative Seminar, Hyderabad, India, Nov. 21-22 (2012).
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Dynamics of liquid water: Energy relaxations and fluctuations",
'Recent advances in studies of molecular processes at liquid interfaces'
244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 19-23, (2012).
- (invited) S. Saito, "凝縮系ダイナミックス",
日本化学会春季年会「高次分子システムのための分子科学:実験と理論の挑戦」, 慶應義塾大学,
Yokohama, March 26, 2012
- (invited) S. Saito,
"Chemical Reaction, Fluctuation, and Relaxation in Liquids",
Marie Curie IRSES meeting on "1st International Workshop on Computer Simulations of
Thermally Excited Molecules and Materials by First Principles", Nagoya, March 10-11, (2012).
- (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of liquid water: Energy relaxation and fluctuation",
4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Biomolecular Sciences: Experiments and Simulations", Nara,
Jan. 9-11, (2012).
List of presentation from 1998