Recent talks
  1. S. Saito, TBA, "Aqueous Systems: The Frontier and Beyond", Kalamata, Greece June 16-21 (2025).
  2. S. Saito, TBA, 1st international symposium on Systems Chemistry, Seoul, Korea, May 6-10 (2025).
  3. S. Saito, "Unveiling the Role of Dynamic Disorder in the Slowing Down of Supercooled Water Dynamics", APATCC11, Kobe, April 21-25 (2025).

  4. S. Saito, "Exploring the molecular origins of water’s anomalies and slow dynamics", Korea-Japan Molecular Symposium, Pusan, Korea, June 24-26 (2024).
  5. S. Saito, "Unraveling collective orientation relaxation in aqueous solution: Effects of ion and finite-size", Asian Research Network for Terahertz Molecular Science, 1st Symposium, Kobe, Kobe Univ., March 14-16 (2024).

  6. S. Saito, "Uncovering the secrets of water: Hidden structures and dynamics", 18th Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS-2023), Chennai, India, Dec. 7-10 (2023).
  7. S. Saito, "Uncovering the secrets of water: Hidden structures and dynamics", Solid State Chemistry Unit, IISc, Bangalore, India, Dec. 5 (2023).
  8. S. Saito, "Structural change dynamics in molecular systems", Structure and Dynamics of Chemical and Biomolecular Systems (SDCBS), Kanpur, India, Oct. 26-28 (2023).
  9. S. Saito, "Structural change dynamics in molecular systems", Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry (TACC) 2023, Sapporo, Sept. 4-9 (2023).
  10. S. Saito, "Conformational Dynamics of Biomolecules Revealed by Molecular Simulations", 11th International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP) 2023, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 14-18 (2023).
  11. S. Saito, "Conformational Dynamics of Proteins and Liquids", Department Seminar, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India, March 10 (2023).

  12. S. Saito, "Structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of supercooled water", Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, March 18 (2022).
  13. S. Saito, "Structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of supercooled water", SNU Leaders in Chemistry Symposium on Quantum and Statistical Fluctuations in Molecular Materials, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 8 (2022).
  14. 斉藤真司, "シミュレーションによる水の不思議の解明", 階層と全体シンポジウム, 自然科学研究機構, Jan. 6 (2022).

  15. S. Saito, "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition", Symposium on Exploring complex and real systems using large-scale molecular dynamics calculations, Pacifichem 2020, Honolulu, USA, Dec. 21 (2021). Cancellation due to health problem.
  16. S. Saito, "Molecular mechanism of acceleration and retardation of collective orientation relaxation of water molecules in aqueous solutions", Symposium on Structure and function of complex molecular clusters - challenges in theory and experiment, Pacifichem 2020, Honolulu, USA, Dec. 20 (2021).
  17. S. Saito, "Excitation energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein optimized by site-dependent fluctuations", Symposium on Frontiers in quantum and classical molecular dynamics for complex systems, Pacifichem 2020, Honolulu, USA, Dec. 18 (2021).
  18. 斉藤真司, "サイト依存ゆらぎによるFMOタンパク質の率的励起エネルギー移動", 名古屋大学化学科セミナー, 名古屋, Oct. 27 (2021).

  19. S. Saito, "Role of fluctuation in biomolecular function: Molecular origin of efficient excitation energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein", 8th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry, Kumamoto, March 19-20 (2020). Postponed due to COVID-19
  20. S. Saito, "イオンによる水の集団回転運動の加速と減速の分子機構", 分子フォト研究会「誘電応答から見るソフトマターの水和」, 神戸, Jan. 22 (2020).
  21. S. Saito, "Effect of ion on collective orientation relaxation of water", Department Seminar, SSCU, IISc, Bangalore, India, Jan. 10 (2020).
  22. S. Saito, "Effect of ion on collective orientation relaxation of water", Dynamics of Chemical and Biological Systems, Kanpur, India, Jan. 7 (2020).

  23. S. Saito "Excitation energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein optimized by site-dependent fluctuations", Indo-Japan workshop on "Frontiers in Molecular Spectroscopy: From Fundamentals to Applications in Chemistry and Biology", Kobe, Oct. 30-Nov. 2 (2019).
  24. (poster)S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition", 第22回理論化学討論会, 札幌, May 27-29 (2019).
  25. S. Saito "Functions of biomolecular systems", Colloquium, Institute of Physics, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May. 9 (2019).
  26. S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition", Department Seminar, Institute of Physics, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May. 8 (2019).
  27. S. Saito "Circadian rhythm of Kai system: A reaction model considering reactions and conformational changes", Dynamics at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology, Bangalore, India, Feb. 18-20 (2019).
  28. (poster)S. Saito "Supercooled waterynamics hidden in thermodynamics and glass transition", Supercomputer workshop, RCCS, Okazaki, Japan, Jan. 16 (2019).
  29. S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition", IMS workshop on Water at interfaces, Okazaki, Japan, Jan. 15-16 (2019).

  30. S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition", Symposium on Spectroscopic and computational studies of complex chemical systems at different time and length scales, Kanpur, India, Dec. 22 (2018).
  31. S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, thermodynamics, and glass transition", Conference on Local Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen Bonds in Water: Super Cooled Water and Binary Mixture, Bangalore, India, Dec. 19-20 (2018).
  32. M. Higashi and S. Saito "Excitation energy transfer in photosynthetic protein FMO", Japan-Indo Seminar on Frontiers in Molecular Spectroscopy: From Fundamentals to Applications in Chemistry and Biology, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Oct 31-Nov.2 (2018).
  33. S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, and glass transition", Energy Landscape 2018, Kalamata, Greece, Sept 2-9 (2018).
  34. S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure and dynamics", 1st UJN-SKKU-IMS Symposium on Chemisrty and Materials, Jinan, China, Aug. 15-17 (2018).
  35. S. Saito "Supercooled water: Structure, dynamics, and Kauzmann temperature", 7th JCS Symposium, Prague, Czech, May 21-24 (2018).
  36. S. Koda and. S. Saito "Circadian rhythm of Kai system: A reaction model considering reactions and conformational changes", BK21plus Symposium, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea, May 3 (2018).
  37. 斉藤真司, "反応、物性、機能はどのように生み出されるのか?絶えず蠢いている分子", 129理工学部同窓会, 慶應義塾大学, 横浜, March 17 (2018).

  38. (invited) S. Koda and S. Saito "A reaction model for circadian rhythm of Kai system considering reactions and conformational changes", APCTCC8, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Dec. 15-17 (2017).
  39. (invited) S. Saito "Supercooled water: Fluctuation, glass transition, and vibrational entropy", Seminar at MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 21 (2017).
  40. (invited) S. Koda and S. Saito "Reaction model for circadian rhythm of Kai system considering elementary processes", ANSCSE21, Pathum Thani, Thailand, Aug. 3-4 (2017).
  41. (invited) S. Saito "Supercooled water: Fluctuation, glass transition, and quantum effects", Korea-Japan Molecular Symposium 2017, Pusan, Korea, July 10-12 (2017).
  42. (poster) S. Saito, "Glassy dynamics and Kauzmann temperature of water: Vibrational and configurational contributions revealed by quantum mechanical complex entropy",
    Okazaki Conference, Okazaki, Aichi, March 6-8 (2017).
  43. (poster) 斉藤真司, "水のガラス転移とカウズマン温度における量子効果",
    Supercomputer Workshop 2016, 岡崎, 愛知, Feb. 1-2 (2017).

  44. (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
    Indo-Japan bilateral seminar, Kanpur India, Nov. 13-16 (2016).
  45. (invited) 斉藤真司, "過冷却水の構造と動力学",
    Cryopreservation Conference 2016、基礎生物学研究所, Nov. 10-11 (2016).
  46. (invited) 斉藤真司, "揺らぎから物性・機能機構の解明へ",
    第3回電子状態シンポジウム、早稲田大学, 東京, Nov. 5 (2016).
  47. (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
    4th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2016), Shanghai, China, Oct. 23-26 (2016).
  48. (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
    2016 annual meeting EMLG-JMLG, Chania, Crete, Greece, Sept. 11-16 (2016).
  49. (invited) S. Saito, "TBA",
    Seminar, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, Sept. 9 (2016).
  50. (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
    Center for Chemical Dynamics in Living Cells, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 19 (2016).
  51. (invited) 斉藤真司, "水の構造とダイナミクス:特異的性質の起源", 化学系講演会、琉球大学, 沖縄, July 19 (2016).
  52. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of water and proteins",
    8th International Kasetsart University Science and Technology Annual Research Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2-4 (2016).
  53. (invited) S. Saito, "Simulations of proton transfer and energy transfer in excited states",
    9th International Meeting on Photodynamics and Related Aspects, Mendoza, Argentina, May 9-13 (2016).
  54. (invited) S. Saito, "Structure and dynamics of supercooled water",
    Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, Feb. 9-11 (2016).

  55. (invited) S. Saito, PACIFICHEM 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 15-20 (2015) cancelled due to personal issue.
  56. (invited) S. Saito, EMN Meeting on Ultrafast Reasearch: Energy Materials Nanotechnology, Las Vegas, USA, Nov. 16-19 (2015) cancelled due to personal issue.
  57. (invited) S. Saito, "Couplings between Multi-Timescale Conformational Fluctuations", Korea-Japan Symposium on Molecular Science, Busan, Korea, July 12-16 (2015) cancelled due to MERS.
  58. (invited) S. Saito, "Couplings between Multi-Scale Conformational Fluctuations: Towards Understanding of Emergence of Function of Biomolecules", Workshop of Theoretical Chemistry, SungyunkwanUniversity, Swon, Korea, April 21-23 (2015).
  59. (invited) S. Saito, "Hydrogen Bond Network Dynamics in Supercooled Water", International 6th THz-Bio Workshop 2015, Seoul, Korea, April 9-10 (2015).

  60. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of Water and Biomolecules", Japan-Indo Bilateral Collaborative Seminar, Nara, Nov. 25-27 (2014).
  61. (invited) S. Saito, "凝縮系における時空間不均一動力学", 分子科学討論会, 東広島, Sept. 21-24 (2014).
  62. (invited) S. Saito, "Fluctuations and relaxation in water", 7th International Conference on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy, University of Oregon, USA, July 13-16 (2014).
  63. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of supercooled water", Dynamics of Complex Chemical and Biological Systems (DCCBS-2014), IIT Kanpur, India, Feb. 13-15 (2014).
  64. (invited) S. Saito, "Spatio-temporal heterogeneous dynamics in condensed phases", Cooperation of Computational Materials Science and Mathematics, Toward Smart Materials Design II, Sendai, Jan. 8-9 (2014).

  65. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of water: From ultrafast dynamics to anomalous thermodynamic properties", Department Seminar (BK21 plus) at Chungbuk National University, Cheongjyu, Korea, Nov. 19 (2013).
  66. (invited) S. Saito,「過冷却水の特異的熱力学的性質の動的起源」、日本物理学会、 「液液転移ー第2臨界点仮説を巡ってー」、徳島大学、Sept.25 (2013).
  67. (invited) S. Saito, "Molecular Origin of Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Specific Heat of Water: Spatio-temporam Analysis", 'Theory and Experiment on Water and Hydration', 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Sept. 8-12 (2013).
  68. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of water: Analysis of third-order nonlinear IR spectroscopy", 'Vibrational Dynamics' workshop in Telluride, Colorado, USA, July 21-26 (2013).
  69. (invited) S. Saito, "Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Specific Heat of Supercooled Water", 6th APCTCC (Asian Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry), Gyeongju, Korea, July 11-13, (2013).
  70. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of water: Fluctuation and relaxation revealed by theoretical two-dimensional IR spectroscopy", 33rd International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Kyoto, July 7-12 (2013).
  71. S. Saito, "Hydrogen Bond Dynamics in Supercooled Water: Frequency Dependent Specific Heat and Emergence of Correlated Dynamics", TRVS2013, Beppu, May 20-24 (2013).
  72. (invited) S. Saito, "凝縮系ダイナミクス -超高速ダイナミクスから熱力学的性質の起源まで-", QCRIシンポジウム, 京都, April 28 (2013).
  73. (invited) S. Saito, "Molecular origin of anomalous temperature dependence of isobaric heat capacity of supercooled water", 2013 NCTS April workshop on Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, April 15-16 (2013).

  74. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of Liquid and Supercooled Water", Indo-Japan Bilateral Collaborative Seminar, Hyderabad, India, Nov. 21-22 (2012).
  75. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of liquid water: Energy relaxations and fluctuations", 'Recent advances in studies of molecular processes at liquid interfaces' 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 19-23, (2012).
  76. (invited) S. Saito, "凝縮系ダイナミックス", 日本化学会春季年会「高次分子システムのための分子科学:実験と理論の挑戦」, 慶應義塾大学, Yokohama, March 26, 2012
  77. (invited) S. Saito, "Chemical Reaction, Fluctuation, and Relaxation in Liquids", Marie Curie IRSES meeting on "1st International Workshop on Computer Simulations of Thermally Excited Molecules and Materials by First Principles", Nagoya, March 10-11, (2012).
  78. (invited) S. Saito, "Dynamics of liquid water: Energy relaxation and fluctuation", 4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Biomolecular Sciences: Experiments and Simulations", Nara, Jan. 9-11, (2012).
List of presentation from 1998