Circadian rhythm of Kai-protein
Multimeric structure enables the acceleration of KaiB-KaiC complex formation induced by ADP/ATP exchange inhibition
Circadian clocks tick a rhythm with a nearly 24-hour period in a variety of organisms. In the clock proteins of cyanobacteria, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, known as a minimum circadian clock, the slow KaiB-KaiC complex formation is essential in determining the clock period. This complex formation, occurring when the C1 domain of KaiC hexamer binds ADP molecules produced by the ATPase activity of C1, is considered to be promoted by accumulating ADP molecules in C1 through inhibiting the ADP/ATP exchange (ADP release) rather than activating the ATP hydrolysis (ADP production). Significantly, this ADP/ATP exchange inhibition accelerates the complex formation together with its promotion, implying a potential role in the period robustness under environmental perturbations. However, the molecular mechanism of this simultaneous promotion and acceleration remains elusive because inhibition of a backward process generally slows down the whole process. In this article, to investigate the mechanism, we build several reaction models of the complex formation with the pre-binding process concerning the ATPase activity. In these models, six KaiB monomers cooperatively and rapidly bind to C1 when C1 binds ADP molecules more than a given threshold while stabilizing the binding-competent conformation of C1. Through comparison among the models proposed here, we then extract three requirements for the simultaneous promotion and acceleration: the stabilization of the binding-competent C1 by KaiB binding, slow ADP/ATP exchange in the binding-competent C1, and relatively fast ADP/ATP exchange occurring in the binding-incompetent C1 in the presence of KaiB. The last two requirements oblige KaiC to form a multimer. Moreover, as a natural consequence, the present models can also explain why the binding of KaiB to C1 reduces the ATPase activity of C1.
Koda and Saito, PLoS Comput. Biol. 18, e1009243 (24 pages) (2022).
An alternative interpretation of the slow KaiB-KaiC binding of the cyanobacterial clock proteins
The biological clock of cyanobacteria is composed of three proteins, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC. The KaiB-KaiC binding brings the slowness into the system, which is essential for the long period of the circadian rhythm. However, there is no consensus as to the origin of the slowness due to the pre-binding conformational transition of either KaiB or KaiC. In this study, we propose a simple KaiB-KaiC binding scheme in a hexameric form with an attractive interaction between adjacent bound KaiB monomers, which is independent of KaiB’s conformational change. We then show that the present scheme can explain several important experimental results on the binding, including that used as evidence for the slow conformational transition of KaiB. The present result thus indicates that the slowness arises from KaiC rather than KaiB.
Koda and Saito, Sci. Rep. 10, 10439 (2020).