Theoretical studies of dynamics
in complicated molecular systems

Molecular systems such as (supercooled) liquids and biomolecules show complicated fluctuations. We are theoretically investigating how these molecular systems fluctuate, how physical properties and biological functions are created, and how chemical reactions and conformational changes proceed under fluctuations.

Graduate student recruitment

We are also seeking students to conduct theoretical studies on physical properties, functions and chemical reactions in condensed phase systems. Graduate students are eligible to receive RA support, and SRA is available for excellent grades.

Recent publication

'Effect of Counterions on the Structure and Dynamics ...' by Malik, Saito, and Chandra is published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.(May, 2024)

'Unraveling the dynamic slowdown in supercooled water: ...' by Saito is published in J. Chem. Phys. (May, 2024)

'Locating transition states by a variational reaction path optimization ...' by Koda and Saito is published in J. Chem. Theory Comput. (Feb., 2024)

'Conformational dynamics in proteins: ...' by Ono, Matsumura, Mori, and Saito is published in J. Phys. Chem. B (Dec., 2023)

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